Power Source 220-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption 30 W
Frequency Response 20 Hz – 20 kHz, ±1 dB
Sampling Frequency 48 kHz
Dynamic Range 100 dB or more
Distortion 0.03 % or less, 1 kHz, +4 dB(*2) input/output, 20 Hz – 20 kHz BPF
Crosstalk -80 dB or less, 1 kHz
Input Monaural input, 8 channels, removable terminal block (3P)
Phantom power (+24 V DC, 10 mA, ON/OFF switchable for each channel)
Gain setting (settable for each channel)
:PAD ON Gain min., +4 dB(*2) (max. +24 dB(*2)), 10 kΩ, electronically-balanced
Gain max., -14 dB(*2) (max. +6 dB(*2)), 10 kΩ, electronically-balanced
:PAD OFF Gain min., -10 dB(*2) (max. +10 dB(*2)), 7 kΩ, electronically-balanced
Gain max., -56 dB(*2) (max. -36 dB(*2)), 7 kΩ, electronically-balanced
Stereo Input (L, R), 7 channels (1-A, 1-B, 1-C, 2-A, 2-B, 2-C, front-mounted input)
RCA jack (stereo mini jack provided on the front panel)
: -10 dB(*2) (max. +10 dB(*2)), 10 kΩ
” Trim gain for each individual channel: – to 0 dB (except front-mounted input)
※ 1-A (L), 1-B (L), and 1-C (L) are mixed after passing through each trim gain circuit
(the same applies to R channel)
※ 2-A (L), 2-B (L), and 2-C (L) are mixed with front-mounted input after passing
” through each trim gain circuit (the same applies to R channel)
Output Output, 4 channels, +4 dB(*2) (max. +24 dB(*2)), applicable load 600 Ω or more,
electronically-balanced, removable terminal block (3P)
REC OUT (L, R): -10 dB(*2) (max. +10 dB(*2)), applicable load 1 kΩ or more, RCA jack
Gain is adjustable.
AD Converter 24 bits
DA Converter 24 bits
Preset Memory 16
Signal Processing Section
Automatic Resonance Control (ARC) Function Automatic EQ curve creation by ARC, 4 channels (each output channel),
settable independently on each channel,
ARC measuring start switch ×1, ON/OFF LED ×1
Feedback Suppressor Function Feedback suppressor filter creation, 8 channels (each monaural input channel),
settable independently on each channel,
ON/OFF switch ×8, ON/OFF LED ×8
Filter 8 channels (each monaural input channel), settable independently on each channel,
high-pass filter: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
Tone Controller BASS, Low-shelving filter: 20 – 500 Hz, ±15 dB
MID, parametric equalizer: 20 Hz – 20 kHz, ±15 dB
Q: 0.267 – 69.249
TREABLE, high-shelving filter: 6 – 20 kHz, ±15 dB
10 channels (each monaural input channel, each stereo mixing input channel),
settable independently on each channel
Equalizer Parametric equalizer: 20 Hz – 20 kHz, ±15 dB, Q: 0.267 – 69.249
4 channels (each output channel)
Matrix 12×4
Crosspoint Gain – to 0 dB in 1 dB steps
Automatic Mute Function Stereo input section matrix, independent control
Function Input PAD (-16 dB) control, low cut (cutoff frequency: 100 Hz) control,
analog output attenuator (-6 dB, -12 dB, -18 dB, -24 dB, -36 dB, -42 dB) control,
front panel operation lock function, stereo summing function,
function setting panel (3 rotary encoders)
Front Panel Section
Input Level Indicator 3-point LED, 12 channels (each monaural input channel, stereo 1L, 1R, 2L, 2R)
Output Level Indicator 8-point LED, 4 channels (each output channel)
Auto Resonance Control (ARC) Measurement ARC measuring start switch ×1, ON/OFF LED ×1
Feedback Suppressor (FBS) Function ON/OFF switch ×8, ON/OFF LED ×8
Low Cut ON/OFF switch ×8, ON/OFF LED ×8
Stereo Summing ON/OFF switch ×2, ON/OFF LED ×2
Tone Control BASS, MID, TREBLE/Settable on the function setting panel, 10 channels
(each monaural input channel, stereo 1L, 1R, 2L, 2R)
Monaural Input, Analog Setting Gain setting, PAD ON/OFF, Phantom power ON/OFF
Settable on the function setting panel, 8 channels (each monaural input channel)
Stereo Input, Analog Setting Trim setting
Settable on the function setting panel, 6 channels (1-A, 1-B, 1-C), (2-A, 2-B, 2-C)
REC OUT, Gain Setting Gain setting
Settable on the function setting panel, 2 channels (REC OUT L, REC OUT R)
Preset Memory Switching Preset selection switch ×4, ON/OFF LED ×4
Front Panel Operation Lock Operation lock switch ×1, ON/OFF LED ×1
Operation Status Indication Operation status LED ×3
Function Setting Panel Rotary encoder ×3, 10-point position indication LED ×3, Function mode LED ×3
Analog Volume Fader Input volume fader ×10, Output volume fader ×4,
2 faders linkable with supplied gang bar
Control Section
Contact Input 8 channels, open voltage: 24 V DC, short-circuit current: 5 mA,
removable terminal block (10P),
Contact output 8 channels, no-voltage make contact, contact capacity: 24 V DC/100 mA,
removable terminal block (10P),
Remote Control Panel 2 channels, Maximum number of units: 8 units per channel
24 V DC input ×2, termination ON/OFF switch ×1, removable terminal block (10P)
Maximum total cable length (star wiring): 800 m (total for 2 channels)
Maximum cable length (daisy chain wiring): 400 m per channel
Note: In daisy chain wiring, the number of units differs depending on the cable length.
Star wiring and daisy chain wiring cannot be used together.
Type of cable: Shielded CPEV cable (a pair of data cable and a pair of power supply
cable) or shielded Cat 5 twisted pair cable for LAN (CAT5-STP)
Network Network I/F: 1 channel of 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX (auto-negotiation)
RJ45 connector, connection via switching hub
Network protocol: TCP/IP
Connection cable: Shielded Cat. 5 or higher twisted pair cable for LAN
(Cat. 5-STP or better)
Maximum cable length: 100 m (between M-864D and switching hub)
Operating Temperature 0 ℃ to +40 ℃ (32 ゜F to 104 ゜F)
Operating Humidity 90 %RH (no condensation)
Finish Panel: Aluminum, hairline, black, Case: Surface-treated steel plate
Dimensions 482.6 (W) × 177.1 (H) × 157.2 (D) mm (19 × 6.97″ × 6.19″)”
Weight 5.1 kg (11.24 lb)
Accessories Power supply cord (2 m (6.56 ft)) ×1, removable terminal plug (3P) ×12,
large type removable terminal plug (10P) ×2, small type removable terminal plug (10P) ×1,
fader gang bar ×4, protective cover ×1, rack mounting screw ×4,
CD-ROM (containing setup software) ×1
Option Remote control panel: ZM-9011/9012/9013/9014
AC adapter: AD-246(*3)(When using the Remote Control Panel)
(*3) Consult your TOA dealer when using an equivalent adapter
Personal Computer Requirements
Requirements CPU: Pentium 4, 2 GHz or faster
Memory: 1.5 GB or more (2 GB recommended)
Display: 1024 × 768 resolution or higher
Free Hard Disk Space: 16 MB or more, however 600 MB or more is required for the 32-bit
version or 1.5 GB or more for the 64-bit version when
“.NET Framework“ is not yet installed
Optical Drive:CD-ROM drive, Network Adapter:10BASE-T or faster connection
OS Windows 7 (32/64-bit edition)
Windows 10 Pro (32/64-bit edition)
Required Component .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
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